So sitting getting ready to take an oxycodone. I don't remember hurting as much with my others but it could be that they got 21 EGGS from me!!!!!! Usually they tell me how many were mature after I wake up but did not do that this this time and of course that makes worry, (don't like changes I guess). But generally besides the pain I am in good spirits, I figure there has got to be at least, (and I hope more) one good mature egg in there. Tomorrow I will get the call from the embryologist to let me know how many mature ones there were and how many fertilized. Crossing fingers and saying lots of prayers, this is completely out of my hands and I have learn to come to accept that.
Well I am going to take my loopy drugs now, sleep sounds wonderful right now!
Infertility isn't a word that I've had long in my vocabulary. I never had a problem getting pregnant with my three children. I knew little about the world of infertility but felt that I could sympathize with those going through it but I don't think I could truly empathize until now. My husband and I are now faced with this fact. Infertility does not define who I am and what I'm capable of doing. Because of this I know that I can face whatever challenges come my way.
This journey can be a roller coaster ride of emotions and I will be brutally honest as I open my life through this blog in order to help others to better understand.
OMG Cine, that's AWESOME!!! Congrats on a great retrieval, praying you have TONS of them mature tomorrow!!!